what happens when you sit ?

This is indeed a hot topic and an obvious issue for all society...

- calorie usage slows to about 1 cal/min.
- leg muscle activation turns off
- enzymes that break down fat in the body's stores cut back about 90%
In a days worth of uninterrupted (by exercise) sitting...
- Insulin levels drop by 24% which means issues with metabolism and sugar usage

When sitting, your abdominal muscles relax which places extra pressures on your lower (lumbar spine) which creates a greater curve forward called hyperlordosis. This can become a permanent state while prolonged sitting goes on day after day without intervention such as postural exercises.
Spending too much time sitting can increase your risk of developing a herniated lumbar disk.

When sitting, your glutes (buttock muscles) take a break and can atrophy because of limited use.  Your hip flexor muscles become tighter and pull forward your pelvis and place further pressures on your lumbar spine.

Thus, sitting is linked to bad backs, weak abdominals, liver and heart disease, muscle degeneration and body fat increase.



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