functional strength
Today's human performs an average of 9.6 hrs of basic household chores for men and 18.1 hrs for women.
These chores vary in intensity, type and frequency, much like most exercise. However the unseen characteristic of chores is these varied types of precarious positions and movements we get into. For instance lifting a box that is bigger than our circumference (waist girth) is typically easy if its very light but more difficult if its heavy. WHY? because the leverage position for lifting the box requires usage of lower back and glute (buttock) muscles to compensate for the weight and size, however heavy it is. NOW if you are not strong enough in those areas as you exceed your limit of functional strength then the bones and joints are compromised and thus damage occurs in the attached muscles. Albeit temporary in most cases, however not strength training your body for such occasional events is costly to self and family. This can lead to longer term problems.
Functional strength is a normal component of being human that most of us take for granted ie. I can do it! or I will be able to do it when I feel like! Your body may disagree. How many of you have hurt your lower back is a basic lift situation or even a twist situation at home or work? Did you think it could never happen? OR did you think you were in good shape or 'used to be' because you played sports in your youth?
Functional strength is something that needs to be worked on as you age. It does not come naturally or carry forward from your youth. If you have been attending the gym using machines, occasional weights and cardio, this also does not count. For instance would any of that help you lift a couch (by yourself) up the basement stairway? It needs to be trained for in a specific way with specific exercises and movements. Assessment is key to success here as well.
You can live free of most hurts if you are functionally stronger.
These chores vary in intensity, type and frequency, much like most exercise. However the unseen characteristic of chores is these varied types of precarious positions and movements we get into. For instance lifting a box that is bigger than our circumference (waist girth) is typically easy if its very light but more difficult if its heavy. WHY? because the leverage position for lifting the box requires usage of lower back and glute (buttock) muscles to compensate for the weight and size, however heavy it is. NOW if you are not strong enough in those areas as you exceed your limit of functional strength then the bones and joints are compromised and thus damage occurs in the attached muscles. Albeit temporary in most cases, however not strength training your body for such occasional events is costly to self and family. This can lead to longer term problems.
Functional strength is a normal component of being human that most of us take for granted ie. I can do it! or I will be able to do it when I feel like! Your body may disagree. How many of you have hurt your lower back is a basic lift situation or even a twist situation at home or work? Did you think it could never happen? OR did you think you were in good shape or 'used to be' because you played sports in your youth?
Functional strength is something that needs to be worked on as you age. It does not come naturally or carry forward from your youth. If you have been attending the gym using machines, occasional weights and cardio, this also does not count. For instance would any of that help you lift a couch (by yourself) up the basement stairway? It needs to be trained for in a specific way with specific exercises and movements. Assessment is key to success here as well.
You can live free of most hurts if you are functionally stronger.
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